Monday, August 8, 2011

Almost a year later!

Wow, it's almost been a year since I've blogged! I can't hardly believe how fast time flies. I kind of stopped because I just got really busy and it didn't seem like anybody noticed so I figured nobody even reads it so why do it? But so much has happened in this last year and we have a new addition to the family, our second daughter, Cecily Joy. So, I decided even if nobody reads it, I should really try to keep blogging just for myself and our family so we can remember these times when our children are growing up. So, I'll add a few catch up posts and then try my best to keep up with it better!

Following up on the last potty training post, Alayna was starting preschool and I didn't want her to have accidents in school, so we decided to use pull ups and not push her too hard - if she wanted to use the potty great & she got M&Ms or stickers, if not no problem. She was really motivated by the M&Ms and she eventually got the hang of it. By 2 and a half, she was fully potty trained, even through the nights. Hooray!

Alayna went to preschool at Paradise Valley Christian School three days a week from 8:30 to 11:30am. It was pretty hard for the first few weeks - she cried every time I dropped her off and then I would walk out to my car and cry too. But whenever I went to pick her up, she was very happy and having a great time, so I knew it was good. After those first few weeks, she would just walk in and start playing with her friends without even saying goodbye to me and she started asking to go to school on weekends and off days. I wasn't very happy with her teacher at first because she had a bad attitude and really wasn't teaching the kids anything. Thankfully, she ended up quitting and the new teacher was amazing. Alayna learned so much from her and totally loved going to school!

A picture from her first day of school and one from her last day of school.

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