Thursday, July 22, 2010

Little Artist

Alayna is a little artist. She loves to draw, color, and paint. It seems like she always has a pen or crayon in her hand.

Check out this drawing she did today. These aren't just random scribbles, every little line was meticulously drawn. I asked her what the pictures were as she was drawing them, and apparently there's a mouse, a bear, an airplane, an umbrella, a hat, a cricket, a snake, grass, a cat and a bird. Can you find them? (And if you can detect a bit of a theme, we were outside in the back yard while she was drawing this.)


Christa said...

Oh, she's doing a great job! I still have her watercolor painting to send to you. Soon!

J M Mellin said...

Thanks Christa, I can't believe I forgot to ask you for it at the funeral!