Alayna is growing so fast. She is almost 22 months old now. Her list of words now would be so long I don't think I could fit it all on this blog. She's learning so much so fast, it's staggering. Now she is putting several words together and even saying some sentences. For example, the other evening we were out in the yard and the sprinklers turned on, which is our cue to go inside because it's time to get ready for bed. When Alayna and I got inside, Mike ran back out to grab something and Alayna yelled "Daddy the sprinklers are on!" I couldn't believe it. Now, her pronunciation needs some work, but I was so impressed with her sentence. She also know several letters, including A,B,C,F,I,O,P,S,X,Y...and maybe a few more, and is learning colors.
Alayna is also getting REALLY tall. We went to visit her cousins in Washington and I was surprised to see that she was almost exactly the same height as her cousin Alyssa, who is over 13 months older than her! People we talk to around town assume she is 2 and a half to 3 years old already. I think I'm going to have to put her into basketball when she gets older... So far, her most favorite toys are balls, so I think she may be into sports. By the way, the last time I posted I told you about Alayna's fear of water. After several months of screaming every time she had to take a bath, she suddenly just got over it and she LOVES taking baths and swimming now. I guess it was just one of those crazy phases. :)
We went to Tennessee for Easter and for my cousin Jessica's wedding. Alayna was the flower girl at the wedding. She did a great job walking down the aisle with the junior flower girls and looked so adorable in her flower girl dress! And wasn't Jessica just beautiful?
As always, we had a really nice time visiting with Grandma (MaMa) and Grandpa (Papa) and Great Grandma Simpson as well as other friends and family.
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