Saturday, October 24, 2009

Picking Pecans

We have been going out a couple of times every day to search for and pick up pecans. My dad has several large pecan trees that are producing right now, so we have to go get the pecans when they fall on the ground and hopefully before the squirrels can steal them. (Speaking of that, Dad is borderline obsessed with the squirrels and tries all sorts of ways to keep them away from his trees. I had to yell at him the other day when I caught him outside hunting a poor little squirrel with a BB gun!) Anyway, picking the pecans is really fun because it's like getting to search for Easter eggs every day, and every time you go out, you find more! On average, I would say we find about 100 pecans a day. Alayna especially loves it because the dogs come out with us and she gets to play with them. When we say "Let's go outside and pick some pecans," she goes and gets her shoes and/or the pecan bucket and walks over to the door to go outside. It's so cute!

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