Monday, February 8, 2010

Look Who's Talking

Alayna is 16 months old now and is starting to talk quite a bit. It's so adorable, and is truly music to a speech pathologist's ears! I thought I should start to keep track of all of her words. So, here is what she is saying so far. BTW, her favorite words which she says ALL the time are "star", which she says beautifully, "woof" for dog, "uh oh" and "yeah," which she says enthusiastically in response to questions like "Do you want a banana?" or "Are you ready to go?" As you can see, she prefers sounds of things to their actual names, but those still count as words because she uses them consistently to communicate meaning.

Dat (That)

WaDat? (What's that?)

Dis (This)

WaDis? (What's this?)

SeeDat (I wanna see that)



Woof (Dog)




Uh oh



Yay! - & she usually claps when saying this

A (She identifies the letter, A for Alayna)

Sssss (Snake)

Some (I want some of that food)

Du Du Du (Duck or Quack)

Da (Ball or Balloon)

Baa baa (Sheep)

EeeAww (Donkey)

Vroom (Car)

Ch Ch (Train)

Zzzz (Bee/bug or Zipper)

Budu budu budu (Horse galloping)

Vvvv - & puts arm up for the elephant's trunk(Elephant)

Mmmm (Cow)

Mmmeee – high pitched (Cat)

Ho ho ho (Santa)

H h h (Heart)

Atch (Watch)

Ees (Cheese & Peas)

A'ul (Apple)

Ox (Box)

Dow dow dow (Down down down - usually means "I want to go downstairs")

Ar Ar Ar (Seal)

Oo oo aa aa (Monkey)

(Sniffs for pig)

(Opens & closes mouth like a fish for fish)

1 comment:

Christa said...

Oh that's cute! It reminds me of Andrew's first words.