Sunday, November 1, 2009


Mom, Dad, and I took Alayna trick-or-treating for the first time yesterday and she had so much fun. We went to Norris, which is one of the only places around here where you can still go door-to-door. They had a party downtown starting at 5pm with free hotdogs, chips and juice for everybody, costume contests, etc. After eating and looking at all of the kids' costumes, we headed out. Unfortunately, it started raining a little bit, so we didn't go to very many houses, but I guess it was enough for her first time. Alayna was so cute in her lady bug costume and really loved seeing all of the people. It was just too bad her dad wasn't here to see her because he was actually the one who picked out the costume. But, we had a good time and Alayna even got her most favorite treat from Aunt Patsy, a big juicy apple!

Fighting a ghost! She has absolutely no fear.

We even stopped and got some candy from the house my dad grew up in. Here we are heading down the driveway where Alayna stopped to pick up some rocks.

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