Monday, December 21, 2009

Thanksgiving in Tennessee

First off, I have to apologize for taking so long to update my blog. I have been so busy with the holidays and a sick baby that I just haven't found time to get on the computer much in the last month. But now, thankfully, Alayna is well, I have all of my Christmas decorations up, crafts are all made, presents are all bought and wrapped, and cards and packages are all sent, so I finally have time for blogging!

We spent Thanksgiving in Tennessee with the Simpson family. Mike flew out the weekend before Thanksgiving and we were so happy to see him after two whole months of being apart. He said he couldn't believe how much Alayna had grown and changed. My brother Patrick and his wife Becky were there in Tennessee too, and it was really nice spending some time with them.

We had a bonfire where we roasted hot dogs and went golfing.

Since Grandma is living at Mom & Dad's house now, the family came up to their place for Thanksgiving. Like always, Mom made an amazing meal, Dad carved the turkey so he could eat all he wanted, and we played lots of Hand and Foot and Ping Pong.

The day after Thanksgiving, we went to the Dollywood Dixie Stampede to kick off the Christmas season. It was a Christmas-themed dinner show with horses, dancing, singing, etc, and Alayna absolutely loved it. It was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit.

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